The 11th EAFES International Congress

Schedule (tentative)

【Day1】July 19, Sat

・Opening Ceremony «15:00~15:45»

・Plenary Lectures 1/2 «15:45~17:00»

・Banquet «17:30~19:30»

【Day2】July 20, Sun

・Plenary Lecture 3 «9:00~9:45»

・Symposia «10:00~12:00»

・Symposia «13:30~15:30»

・Symposia «15:45~17:45»

・Poster Core Time «18:00~19:30»

【Day3】July 21, Mon

・Plenary Lecture 4 «9:00~9:45»

・Symposia «10:00~12:00»

・Symposia «13:30~15:30»

・Poster Core Time «15:45~17:15»

・Closing Ceremony «17:30~18:00»

【Day4】July 22, Tues


Contact Us

The 11th EAFES Local Congress Secretariat (PCO)

Convention Plus, Inc.
Address : 5F LUCID SQUARE YUSHIMA, 2-31-14 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo, 113-0034, Japan
E-mail :
©2025 The 11th EAFES International Congress